

This is the reference page for the XML element flow-type.


Optional element to override the top-level default-flow-type element.


This element must occur no more than once (within each parent element).



A code from the OECD DAC CRS “Type of flow” codelist

This attribute is required.

This value must be of type xsd:string.

This value must be on the FlowType codelist.

Example Usage

Example usage of flow-type of a transaction in an iati-activity.

The @code attribute declares a valid code (20) from the FlowType codelist.
Note: The flow-type element can override the default-flow-type value set in iati-activity:
  <transaction ref="1234" humanitarian="1">
   <transaction-type code="1" />
   <transaction-date iso-date="2012-01-01" />
   <value currency="EUR" value-date="2012-01-01">1000</value>
    <narrative>Transaction description text</narrative>
   <provider-org provider-activity-id="BB-BBB-123456789-1234AA" type="10" ref="BB-BBB-123456789">
    <narrative>Agency B</narrative>
   <receiver-org receiver-activity-id="AA-AAA-123456789-1234" type="23" ref="AA-AAA-123456789">
    <narrative>Agency A</narrative>
   <disbursement-channel code="1" />
   <sector vocabulary="2" code="111" />
   <!--Note: only a recipient-region OR a recipient-country is expected-->
   <recipient-country code="TM" />
   <recipient-region code="616" vocabulary="1" />
   <flow-type code="10" />
   <finance-type code="110" />
   <aid-type code="A01" vocabulary="1" />
   <tied-status code="3" />



Freetext is no longer allowed within this element.

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