

When publishing IATI data, organisations should consider how to achieve the following:

  • Format - IATI data should be formatted correctly as well-formed XML
  • Valid - IATI data should pass the relevant IATI schema validation
  • Rules - IATI data should satisfy the relevant Ruleset that provides additional conditions and logic.


When providing structured IATI data, publishers should also consider:

  • XML is the chosen technical markup language of IATI - it is vital that published data meets the minimum requirement of “well-formed XML”.
  • Schema validation is very important to ensure - IATI has different versions of the standard from which to operate.
  • The Standard Ruleset enable additional logic in IATI data - such as the ordering of dates within data, and the formation of identifiers.


It’s useful to access structured IATI data because:

  • When IATI data is well-formed, it can be more easily accessed and utilised in conjunction with other published IATI datasets.

Further information