
On the Registry dfid
Reporting Org on Registry GB-GOV-1
Reporting Org(s) in Data GB-GOV-1
Activity Files 125
Organisation Files 1
Total File Size 170.3 MB
Activities 18995
Unique Activities 18623
Organisations 1
Versions 2.02 2.03
Hierarchies 1 2
Licenses uk-ogl
Files failing validation 0

18995 Activities


125 Activity Files


1 Organisation Files


Files per version


170.3 MB Total File Size


Files failing validation


0 Files where XML is not well-formed


Data Quality

This section will be blank if no issues were found.



The below figures are calculated based on the data contained within the <budget> element for each reported activity. Original and revised elements are based on the value declared in the budget/@type attribute. Where budgets fall across two calendar years, the month of the <period-end> date is used to determine annual groupings, with budgets for periods ending January-June added to the previous calendar year.

Year Count (all) Sum (all) Count (Original) Sum (Original) Count (Revised) Sum (Revised)
Total 74049 89313629128 GBP
8280 24720597257 GBP
65769 89313629128 GBP
2000 123 4593 GBP
99 1747565374 GBP
24 4593 GBP
2001 159 84 GBP
140 315896581 GBP
19 84 GBP
2002 224 1368308 GBP
204 484153158 GBP
20 1368308 GBP
2003 360 330083 GBP
340 666599590 GBP
20 330083 GBP
2004 565 4087765 GBP
538 1120175851 GBP
27 4087765 GBP
2005 822 6416529 GBP
796 2004642067 GBP
26 6416529 GBP
2006 1172 959142159 GBP
1105 1665848504 GBP
67 959142159 GBP
2007 2086 1969346585 GBP
762 1593839529 GBP
1324 1969346585 GBP
2008 3264 4668336840 GBP
470 955070350 GBP
2794 4668336840 GBP
2009 3053 5825309008 GBP
292 765712540 GBP
2761 5825309008 GBP
2010 2868 5330987006 GBP
362 1428423069 GBP
2506 5330987006 GBP
2011 2411 832813031 GBP
133 163876506 GBP
2278 832813031 GBP
2012 6894 5638498325 GBP
449 669417539 GBP
6445 5638498325 GBP
2013 7476 8608798380 GBP
485 1421724040 GBP
6991 8608798380 GBP
2014 7610 6627758516 GBP
379 1926028398 GBP
7231 6627758516 GBP
2015 7661 8536914232 GBP
292 537167530 GBP
7369 8536914232 GBP
2016 7220 8786895191 GBP
263 816416370 GBP
6957 8786895191 GBP
2017 6533 7471560494 GBP
209 2488512347 GBP
6324 7471560494 GBP
2018 6278 9886859607 GBP
214 982927517 GBP
6064 9886859607 GBP
2019 4742 6955380573 GBP
260 1598837404 GBP
4482 6955380573 GBP
2020 1381 4032927752 GBP
249 871053592 GBP
1132 4032927752 GBP
2021 687 1548971934 GBP
153 376783202 GBP
534 1548971934 GBP
2022 329 764029434 GBP
65 94974174 GBP
264 764029434 GBP
2023 100 417208316 GBP
19 19752025 GBP
81 417208316 GBP
2024 28 348739124 GBP
2 5200000 GBP
26 348739124 GBP
2025 3 90945259 GBP
3 90945259 GBP

Exploring Data


Package Activities (J) Organisations (J) File Size (J) Version (J)
dfid-189 14 0 114.9 kB 2.03
dfid-289 228 0 2.2 MB 2.03
dfid-298 924 0 7.4 MB 2.03
dfid-380 227 0 2.1 MB 2.03
dfid-389 12 0 62.5 kB 2.03
dfid-589 81 0 937.9 kB 2.03
dfid-679 7 0 64.9 kB 2.03
dfid-798 184 0 1.7 MB 2.03
dfid-889 3 0 23.5 kB 2.03
dfid-89 53 0 307.5 kB 2.03
dfid-998_1 1334 0 9.0 MB 2.03
dfid-998_2 1285 0 9.6 MB 2.03
dfid-998_3 1274 0 12.6 MB 2.03
dfid-998_4 1746 0 14.4 MB 2.03
dfid-ac 8 0 28.5 kB 2.03
dfid-ae 2 0 11.0 kB 2.03
dfid-af 449 0 4.1 MB 2.03
dfid-al 8 0 47.1 kB 2.03
dfid-am 4 0 21.4 kB 2.03
dfid-ao 16 0 76.1 kB 2.03
dfid-as 2 0 7.3 kB 2.03
dfid-ba 50 0 284.1 kB 2.03
dfid-bd 460 0 5.4 MB 2.03
dfid-bf 5 0 38.7 kB 2.03
dfid-bh 2 0 13.6 kB 2.03
dfid-bi 77 0 504.7 kB 2.03
dfid-bj 2 0 10.0 kB 2.03
dfid-br 15 0 76.3 kB 2.03
dfid-bs 2 0 8.5 kB 2.03
dfid-cd 322 0 3.2 MB 2.03
dfid-cf 44 0 369.8 kB 2.03
dfid-cg 4 0 51.5 kB 2.03
dfid-ci 10 0 46.0 kB 2.03
dfid-cl 3 0 15.0 kB 2.03
dfid-cm 22 0 145.1 kB 2.03
dfid-cn 98 0 840.8 kB 2.03
dfid-cu 2 0 10.2 kB 2.03
dfid-cv 2 0 11.4 kB 2.03
dfid-dm 9 0 48.2 kB 2.03
dfid-ec 3 0 17.2 kB 2.03
dfid-eg 17 0 126.9 kB 2.03
dfid-er 14 0 65.9 kB 2.03
dfid-et 501 0 4.8 MB 2.03
dfid-fj 2 0 7.2 kB 2.03
dfid-gb 16 0 102.3 kB 2.03
dfid-ge 5 0 42.3 kB 2.03
dfid-gh 339 0 3.3 MB 2.03
dfid-gm 20 0 134.2 kB 2.03
dfid-gn 2 0 9.3 kB 2.03
dfid-gr 7 0 48.3 kB 2.03
dfid-gt 5 0 24.3 kB 2.03
dfid-gy 24 0 207.1 kB 2.03
dfid-hn 2 0 9.4 kB 2.03
dfid-ht 54 0 427.4 kB 2.03
dfid-id 155 0 1.4 MB 2.03
dfid-in 434 0 5.4 MB 2.03
dfid-iq 73 0 711.7 kB 2.03
dfid-jm 38 0 290.2 kB 2.03
dfid-jo 92 0 638.9 kB 2.03
dfid-jp 4 0 24.7 kB 2.03
dfid-ke 515 0 4.8 MB 2.03
dfid-kg 56 0 502.3 kB 2.03
dfid-kh 64 0 526.3 kB 2.03
dfid-la 11 0 122.0 kB 2.03
dfid-lb 89 0 685.1 kB 2.03
dfid-lc 2 0 9.4 kB 2.03
dfid-lk 48 0 364.8 kB 2.03
dfid-lr 59 0 466.7 kB 2.03
dfid-ls 26 0 186.8 kB 2.03
dfid-ly 85 0 839.0 kB 2.03
dfid-md 44 0 248.9 kB 2.03
dfid-mg 7 0 28.2 kB 2.03
dfid-ml 11 0 97.7 kB 2.03
dfid-mm 288 0 2.7 MB 2.03
dfid-mn 2 0 11.9 kB 2.03
dfid-mr 2 0 22.7 kB 2.03
dfid-ms 188 0 1.2 MB 2.03
dfid-mv 2 0 7.3 kB 2.03
dfid-mw 421 0 4.0 MB 2.03
dfid-mz 305 0 2.8 MB 2.03
dfid-na 2 0 7.5 kB 2.03
dfid-ne 10 0 50.2 kB 2.03
dfid-ng 493 0 7.4 MB 2.03
dfid-ni 11 0 59.8 kB 2.03
dfid-np 435 0 4.9 MB 2.03
dfid-org 0 1 37.8 kB 2.02
dfid-pe 8 0 44.3 kB 2.03
dfid-pg 6 0 34.4 kB 2.03
dfid-ph 15 0 200.8 kB 2.03
dfid-pk 546 0 6.0 MB 2.03
dfid-pn 33 0 199.7 kB 2.03
dfid-ps 190 0 1.4 MB 2.03
dfid-rs 39 0 228.7 kB 2.03
dfid-ru 12 0 56.1 kB 2.03
dfid-rw 285 0 2.3 MB 2.03
dfid-sb 4 0 18.6 kB 2.03
dfid-sd 294 0 2.1 MB 2.03
dfid-sh 172 0 989.0 kB 2.03
dfid-sl 489 0 5.0 MB 2.03
dfid-sn 6 0 41.4 kB 2.03
dfid-so 385 0 3.4 MB 2.03
dfid-ss 268 0 2.9 MB 2.03
dfid-sy 186 0 1.5 MB 2.03
dfid-ta 42 0 267.7 kB 2.03
dfid-tc 15 0 262.9 kB 2.03
dfid-td 11 0 49.3 kB 2.03
dfid-tg 2 0 9.6 kB 2.03
dfid-th 2 0 8.5 kB 2.03
dfid-tj 119 0 748.1 kB 2.03
dfid-tl 2 0 12.9 kB 2.03
dfid-tn 5 0 40.0 kB 2.03
dfid-tr 14 0 113.9 kB 2.03
dfid-tz 449 0 4.2 MB 2.03
dfid-ua 56 0 480.3 kB 2.03
dfid-ug 381 0 3.4 MB 2.03
dfid-uz 2 0 37.8 kB 2.03
dfid-ve 3 0 18.3 kB 2.03
dfid-vg 2 0 66.1 kB 2.03
dfid-vn 98 0 852.7 kB 2.03
dfid-vu 4 0 36.6 kB 2.03
dfid-ws 2 0 11.9 kB 2.03
dfid-xk 65 0 443.5 kB 2.03
dfid-ye 189 0 1.3 MB 2.03
dfid-za 96 0 808.2 kB 2.03
dfid-zm 296 0 3.0 MB 2.03
dfid-zw 229 0 2.1 MB 2.03

Codelist Values (version 2.xx)

Element/Attribute Codelist Values on Codelist Values not on Codelist
.//@default-currency Currency 1 0
.//@xml:lang Language 7 0
.//activity-date/@type ActivityDateType 4 0
.//activity-status/@code ActivityStatus 3 0
.//budget/@type BudgetType 2 0
.//budget/value/@currency Currency 1 0
.//collaboration-type/@code CollaborationType 3 0
.//conditions/condition/@type ConditionType 1 0
.//contact-info/@type ContactType 1 0
.//country-budget-items/@vocabulary BudgetIdentifierVocabulary 1 0
.//country-budget-items/budget-item/@code BudgetIdentifier 77 1
Note: this attribute can be on multiple codelists (specified by the @vocabulary attribute) but the Dashboard only currently checks against the default codelist - see issue #174. Therefore some publishers may incorrectly show up as "Not On Codelist".
.//default-aid-type/@code AidType 9 0
.//default-finance-type/@code FinanceType 5 0
.//default-flow-type/@code FlowType 1 0
.//default-tied-status/@code TiedStatus 1 0
.//description/@type DescriptionType 1 0
.//document-link/@format FileFormat 5 0
.//document-link/category/@code DocumentCategory 11 0
.//document-link/language/@code Language 7 0
.//location/administrative/@vocabulary GeographicVocabulary 1 0
.//location/exactness/@code GeographicExactness 2 0
.//location/feature-designation/@code LocationType 7 0
.//location/location-class/@code GeographicLocationClass 2 0
.//location/location-reach/@code GeographicLocationReach 1 0
.//other-identifier/@type OtherIdentifierType 2 0
.//participating-org/@role OrganisationRole 4 0
.//participating-org/@type OrganisationType 10 0
.//policy-marker/@code PolicyMarker 8 0
.//policy-marker/@significance PolicySignificance 3 0
.//policy-marker/@vocabulary PolicyMarkerVocabulary 1 0
.//recipient-country/@code Country 110 2
.//recipient-region/@code Region 11 0
.//related-activity/@type RelatedActivityType 3 0
.//reporting-org/@type OrganisationType 1 0
.//sector/@code SectorCategory 0 133
Note: this attribute can be on multiple codelists (specified by the @vocabulary attribute) but the Dashboard only currently checks against the default codelist - see issue #174. Therefore some publishers may incorrectly show up as "Not On Codelist".
.//transaction/receiver-org/@type OrganisationType 10 0
.//transaction/transaction-type/@code TransactionType 5 0
.//transaction/value/@currency Currency 1 0

Elements and Attributes Published

Element/Attribute Activities/Organisations Files
iati-activity 18995 125
iati-activity/@default-currency 18995 125
iati-activity/@hierarchy 18995 125
iati-activity/@humanitarian 1896 79
iati-activity/@last-updated-datetime 18995 125
iati-activity/@{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang 18995 125
iati-activity/activity-date 18995 125
iati-activity/activity-date/@iso-date 18995 125
iati-activity/activity-date/@type 18995 125
iati-activity/activity-status 18995 125
iati-activity/activity-status/@code 18995 125
iati-activity/budget 13487 125
iati-activity/budget/@type 13487 125
iati-activity/budget/period-end 13487 125
iati-activity/budget/period-end/@iso-date 13487 125
iati-activity/budget/period-start 13487 125
iati-activity/budget/period-start/@iso-date 13487 125
iati-activity/budget/value 13487 125
iati-activity/budget/value/@currency 13487 125
iati-activity/budget/value/@value-date 13487 125
iati-activity/capital-spend 13702 125
iati-activity/capital-spend/@percentage 13702 125
iati-activity/collaboration-type 13681 125
iati-activity/collaboration-type/@code 13681 125
iati-activity/conditions 5293 125
iati-activity/conditions/@attached 5293 125
iati-activity/conditions/condition 584 70
iati-activity/conditions/condition/@type 584 70
iati-activity/conditions/condition/narrative 584 70
iati-activity/contact-info 18995 125
iati-activity/contact-info/@type 18995 125
iati-activity/contact-info/email 18995 125
iati-activity/contact-info/mailing-address 18995 125
iati-activity/contact-info/mailing-address/narrative 18995 125
iati-activity/contact-info/organisation 18995 125
iati-activity/contact-info/organisation/narrative 18995 125
iati-activity/contact-info/telephone 18995 125
iati-activity/country-budget-items 11880 124
iati-activity/country-budget-items/@vocabulary 11880 124
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item 11880 124
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item/@code 11880 124
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item/@percentage 11880 124
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item/description 11880 124
iati-activity/country-budget-items/budget-item/description/narrative 11880 124
iati-activity/default-aid-type 13702 125
iati-activity/default-aid-type/@code 13702 125
iati-activity/default-finance-type 13157 125
iati-activity/default-finance-type/@code 13157 125
iati-activity/default-flow-type 13702 125
iati-activity/default-flow-type/@code 13702 125
iati-activity/default-tied-status 18995 125
iati-activity/default-tied-status/@code 18995 125
iati-activity/description 18995 125
iati-activity/description/@type 5242 125
iati-activity/description/narrative 18995 125
iati-activity/document-link 3076 97
iati-activity/document-link/@format 3076 97
iati-activity/document-link/@url 3076 97
iati-activity/document-link/category 3076 97
iati-activity/document-link/category/@code 3076 97
iati-activity/document-link/language 3076 97
iati-activity/document-link/language/@code 3076 97
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iati-activity/document-link/title/@{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang 152 26
iati-activity/document-link/title/narrative 3076 97
iati-activity/iati-identifier 18995 125
iati-activity/location 3284 123
iati-activity/location/administrative 2965 122
iati-activity/location/administrative/@code 2965 122
iati-activity/location/administrative/@vocabulary 2965 122
iati-activity/location/description 3284 123
iati-activity/location/description/narrative 3284 123
iati-activity/location/exactness 3284 123
iati-activity/location/exactness/@code 3284 123
iati-activity/location/feature-designation 3284 123
iati-activity/location/feature-designation/@code 3284 123
iati-activity/location/location-class 3284 123
iati-activity/location/location-class/@code 3284 123
iati-activity/location/location-reach 3284 123
iati-activity/location/location-reach/@code 3284 123
iati-activity/location/name 3284 123
iati-activity/location/name/narrative 3284 123
iati-activity/location/point 3284 123
iati-activity/location/point/@srsName 3284 123
iati-activity/location/point/pos 3284 123
iati-activity/other-identifier 18995 125
iati-activity/other-identifier/@ref 18995 125
iati-activity/other-identifier/@type 18995 125
iati-activity/other-identifier/owner-org 18995 125
iati-activity/other-identifier/owner-org/@ref 18995 125
iati-activity/other-identifier/owner-org/narrative 18995 125
iati-activity/participating-org 18995 125
iati-activity/participating-org/@ref 18995 125
iati-activity/participating-org/@role 18995 125
iati-activity/participating-org/@type 18995 125
iati-activity/participating-org/narrative 18995 125
iati-activity/policy-marker 13702 125
iati-activity/policy-marker/@code 13702 125
iati-activity/policy-marker/@significance 13702 125
iati-activity/policy-marker/@vocabulary 13702 125
iati-activity/policy-marker/narrative 13702 125
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iati-activity/recipient-country/@code 11755 123
iati-activity/recipient-country/@percentage 3144 123
iati-activity/recipient-region 7574 79
iati-activity/recipient-region/@code 7574 79
iati-activity/recipient-region/@percentage 2483 79
iati-activity/related-activity 18995 125
iati-activity/related-activity/@ref 18995 125
iati-activity/related-activity/@type 18995 125
iati-activity/reporting-org 18995 125
iati-activity/reporting-org/@ref 18995 125
iati-activity/reporting-org/@type 18995 125
iati-activity/reporting-org/narrative 18995 125
iati-activity/sector 18955 125
iati-activity/sector/@code 18955 125
iati-activity/sector/@percentage 11302 125
iati-activity/sector/narrative 18955 125
iati-activity/title 18995 125
iati-activity/title/narrative 18995 125
iati-activity/transaction 13484 125
iati-activity/transaction/@ref 10553 111
iati-activity/transaction/description 12790 125
iati-activity/transaction/description/narrative 12790 125
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org 12790 125
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/@provider-activity-id 704 62
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/@ref 12790 125
iati-activity/transaction/provider-org/narrative 12790 125
iati-activity/transaction/receiver-org 10541 111
iati-activity/transaction/receiver-org/@ref 7668 108
iati-activity/transaction/receiver-org/@type 5024 101
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iati-organisation 1 1
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iati-organisation/reporting-org 1 1
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iati-organisation/total-budget/value 1 1
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iati-organisation/total-expenditure 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-end 1 1
iati-organisation/total-expenditure/period-end/@iso-date 1 1
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