
On the Registry pact
Reporting Org on Registry US-EIN-13-2702768
Reporting Org(s) in Data US-EIN-13-2702768
Activity Files 4
Organisation Files 3
Total File Size 335.9 kB
Activities 182
Unique Activities 66
Organisations 3
Versions 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 null
Hierarchies 1
Licenses cc-by
Files failing validation 0

182 Activities


4 Activity Files


3 Organisation Files


Files per version


335.9 kB Total File Size


Files failing validation


0 Files where XML is not well-formed


Data Quality

This section will be blank if no issues were found.



The below figures are calculated based on the data contained within the <budget> element for each reported activity. Original and revised elements are based on the value declared in the budget/@type attribute. Where budgets fall across two calendar years, the month of the <period-end> date is used to determine annual groupings, with budgets for periods ending January-June added to the previous calendar year.

Year Count (all) Sum (all) Count (Original) Sum (Original) Count (Revised) Sum (Revised)
Total 182 405841785 USD
182 405841785 USD
2011 4 1355608 USD
4 1355608 USD
2012 42 13124928 USD
42 13124928 USD
2013 24 27599741 USD
24 27599741 USD
2014 8 866440 USD
8 866440 USD
null 104 362895068 USD
104 362895068 USD

Exploring Data


Package Activities (J) Organisations (J) File Size (J) Version (J)
pact-activity04 46 0 88.8 kB 1.04
pact-activitya01 32 0 61.0 kB 1.02
pact-activitya02 41 0 73.1 kB 1.03
pact-activitya04 63 0 111.9 kB 1.05
pact-orga01 0 1 369 Bytes null
pact-orga02 0 1 369 Bytes null
pact-orga04 0 1 369 Bytes null

Codelist Values (version 1.xx)

Element/Attribute Codelist Values on Codelist Values not on Codelist
.//@default-currency Currency 1 0
.//@xml:lang Language 1 0
.//activity-date/@type ActivityDateType 2 0
.//activity-status/@code ActivityStatus 2 0
.//budget/@type BudgetType 1 0
.//budget/value/@currency Currency 1 0
.//default-aid-type/@code AidType 1 0
.//default-flow-type/@code FlowType 1 0
.//default-tied-status/@code TiedStatus 1 0
.//participating-org/@role OrganisationRole 1 0
.//participating-org/@type OrganisationType 1 0
.//recipient-country/@code Country 22 0
.//recipient-region/@code Region 1 0
.//reporting-org/@type OrganisationType 1 0
.//sector/@code SectorCategory 0 25
Note: this attribute can be on multiple codelists (specified by the @vocabulary attribute) but the Dashboard only currently checks against the default codelist - see issue #174. Therefore some publishers may incorrectly show up as "Not On Codelist".
.//sector/@vocabulary Vocabulary 1 0

Elements and Attributes Published

Element/Attribute Activities/Organisations Files
iati-activity 182 4
iati-activity/@default-currency 182 4
iati-activity/@hierarchy 182 4
iati-activity/@last-updated-datetime 182 4
iati-activity/@version 182 4
iati-activity/@{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang 182 4
iati-activity/activity-date 182 4
iati-activity/activity-date/@iso-date 182 4
iati-activity/activity-date/@type 182 4
iati-activity/activity-status 182 4
iati-activity/activity-status/@code 182 4
iati-activity/activity-website 182 4
iati-activity/budget 177 4
iati-activity/budget/@type 177 4
iati-activity/budget/period-end 177 4
iati-activity/budget/period-end/@iso-date 177 4
iati-activity/budget/period-start 177 4
iati-activity/budget/period-start/@iso-date 177 4
iati-activity/budget/value 177 4
iati-activity/budget/value/@currency 177 4
iati-activity/budget/value/@value-date 177 4
iati-activity/contact-info 182 4
iati-activity/contact-info/email 182 4
iati-activity/contact-info/mailing-address 182 4
iati-activity/contact-info/organisation 182 4
iati-activity/contact-info/person-name 182 4
iati-activity/contact-info/telephone 182 4
iati-activity/default-aid-type 182 4
iati-activity/default-aid-type/@code 182 4
iati-activity/default-flow-type 182 4
iati-activity/default-flow-type/@code 182 4
iati-activity/default-tied-status 182 4
iati-activity/default-tied-status/@code 182 4
iati-activity/iati-identifier 182 4
iati-activity/other-identifier 182 4
iati-activity/other-identifier/@owner-name 182 4
iati-activity/other-identifier/@owner-ref 182 4
iati-activity/participating-org 182 4
iati-activity/participating-org/@ref 182 4
iati-activity/participating-org/@role 182 4
iati-activity/participating-org/@type 182 4
iati-activity/recipient-country 175 4
iati-activity/recipient-country/@code 175 4
iati-activity/recipient-country/@percentage 175 4
iati-activity/recipient-region 7 4
iati-activity/recipient-region/@code 7 4
iati-activity/recipient-region/@percentage 7 4
iati-activity/reporting-org 182 4
iati-activity/reporting-org/@ref 182 4
iati-activity/reporting-org/@type 182 4
iati-activity/sector 182 4
iati-activity/sector/@code 182 4
iati-activity/sector/@percentage 182 4
iati-activity/sector/@vocabulary 182 4
iati-activity/title 182 4
iati-organisation 3 3
iati-organisation/@default-currency 3 3
iati-organisation/@last-updated-datetime 3 3
iati-organisation/@{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}lang 3 3
iati-organisation/iati-identifier 3 3
iati-organisation/name 3 3
iati-organisation/reporting-org 3 3
iati-organisation/reporting-org/@ref 3 3
iati-organisation/reporting-org/@type 3 3