Inconsistent Reporting Org references

List of Publishers where the reporting-org element does not match the reporting-org field in the IATI Registry.

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Publisher Reporting Org on Registry Reporting Orgs in Data (count) Reporting Orgs in Data
Access to Seeds Foundation NL-KVK-53744993 2 NL-KVK-53744993 NL-KVK-70292361
Acid Survivors Foundation PK-VSWA-511-2007 2 PK-VSWA-511-2007 XI-IATI-VSWA-511-2007
Across KE-NGC-9381 2 KE-NCB-9381 KE-NGC-9381
ACTED FR-SIRET-4028868160030 2 FR-RCS-402886816 FR-SIRET-4028868160030
ActionAid International NL-KVK-27264198 3 GB-CHC-274467 GB-CHC-27446721 NL-KVK-27264198
AECOM GB-COH-01846493 2 GB-COH-01846493 GB-COH-GB-COH-01846493
African Initiatives GB-CHC-1064413 2 GB-CHC-1064413 null
Agence Française de Développement FR-3 2 FR-3 XI-IATI-FR-3
Agence Nationale d'Approvisionnement en Eau Potable en Milieu Rural du Benin BJ-IFU-4201710182326 1 bj-IFU-4201710182326
American Friends Service Committee US-EIN-23-1352010 1 NL-KVK-41149831
Amnesty International The Netherlands NL-KVK-40530953 2 Amnesty International Nederland NL-KVK-40530953
Aqua for All NL-KVK-27248417 2 NL-KVK-27248417 null
Belgian Development Cooperation XM-DAC-2-10 1 BE-10
Berytech Foundation LB-MOI-26_AD 2 LB-MOI-26_AD XI-PB-26_AD
BRAC International NL-CCI-20081098 3 GB-CHC-1115482 GB-COH-1115482 NL-CCI-20081098
Build Africa GB-CHC-298316 2 GB-CHC-298316 null
CARE International UK GB-CHC-292506 2 GB-1-202615 GB-CHC-292506
Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) XM-DAC-46009 2 XI-IATI-46009 XM-DAC-46009
CDC Group plc GB-COH-03877777 2 GB-COH-038777 GB-COH-03877777
Centre For Citizens With Disabilities NG-CAC-IT-23286 0
CHEKA SANA TANZANIA TZ-TRA-121406209 1 TZ-TRA-121-406-209
Christian Aid GB-CHC-1105851 2 GB-CHC-1105851 GB-CHC-110858
Christian Aid Ireland IE-CHY-6998 0
Climate Investment Funds 47135 2 47134 47135
CNV Internationaal NL-KVK-54436222 2 NL-KVK-54436222 NL-KvK-54436222-27541
Commune de Adjarra - Bénin BJ-IFU-6201810251129 1 null
Conciliation Resources GB-CHC-1055436 2 GB-CHC-1055436 null
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP IN-MCA-AAE-8458 1 IN-MCA-IN-MCA-AAE-8458
Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) Malawi GPAF-IMP-031 2 MW-CNM-21 dm
Development Organisation of the Rural Poor BD-NAB-0682 1 BD-NAB-682
DKT - (Pakistan) PK-SEC-0080655 1 XI-IATI-PK-SEC-0080655
Education Development Trust KE-RCO-270901 2 KE-KROS-270901 KE-RCO-270901
EMMS International GB-SC-SC032327 1 GB-OSCR-SC032327
Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA) ET-MOT-020/4/007 2 ET-MOT-020/4/007 ET-MOT-0204007
FMO NL-KVK-27078545 0
France - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs FR-6 2 FR-6 FR-SIREN-110-006-012
Fundación Fondo Mujeres del Sur AR-CENOC-16969-A 1 XI-IATI-359A08
Fundación Oriéntame CO-RUE-860049972 2 CO-CCB-CO-RUE-860049972 CO-RUE-860049972
Global Integrity US-EIN-260126537 0
Global Partnership for Education XM-DAC-47501 1 XM-DAC-44101
Handicap International UK GB-CHC-1082565 3 FR-PDR-W691075333 GB-CHC-1082565 XI-IATI-W691075333
Heartland Alliance International US-EIN-30-0739799 1 US-EIN-US-EIN-300739799
Hilfswerk Austria Zimbabwe XI-IATI-035026724 2 AT-LPD-035026724 XI-IATI-035026724
ICCO Cooperation NL-KVK-56484038 1 NL-KVK-41177206
ICF Consulting Services Ltd GB-COH-04161656 1 GB-CH-4161656
IDinsight US-EIN-27-4933181 1 US-EIN-27-49-33181
Inter-American Development Bank XI-IATI-IADB 2 IADB XI-IATI-IADB
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) XM-DAC-41108 1 41108
International Initiative for Impact Evaluation US-EIN-262681792 0
International Media Support dk-cvr-26487013 1 DK-CVR-26487013
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) XM-DAC-47064 1 XI-PB-402
International Planned Parenthood Federation GB-CHC-229476 2 GB-CHC-21023 GB-CHC-229476
IPE Global Limited IN-MCA-U74140DL1998PLC097579 1 XI-IATI-IN-MCA-U74140DL1998PLC097579
Iringa Development of Youth, Disabled and Children Care TZ-TRA-102316134 1 TZ-TRA-102-316-134
Kadaster International NL-KVK-08215619-201210000 2 NL-KVK-08215619-201210000 null
King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre XM-OCHA-HPC6770 1 XM-OCHAS-HPC6770
LIWA programme trust KE-KRA-P051542095J 1 KE-KRA-p051542095j
Magariro MZ-MOJ-F2G1No4 0
MAMTA - Health Institute for Mother and Child IN- 1 mam_in
Medical Research Centre (MRC), Sierra Leone SL-NRA-1001562-8 1 SL-NRA-1001562-8
Mercy Corps Global US-EIN-91-1148123 1 US-EIN-911148123
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic XM-DAC-69-1 14 XM-DAC-69-00 XM-DAC-69-01 XM-DAC-69-02 XM-DAC-69-03 XM-DAC-69-04 XM-DAC-69-05 XM-DAC-69-1 XM-DAC-69-18 XM-DAC-69-2 XM-DAC-69-3 XM-DAC-69-30 XM-DAC-69-4 XM-DAC-69-50 XM-DAC-69-99
Mondiaal FNV NL-KvK-41177601 1 NL-KVK-41177601
New Zealand - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade - New Zealand Aid Programme NZ-1 0
Nuffic NL-KVK-41150085 0
openmindedly IM-CR-024714B 2 IM-CR-024714B
Oxfam India IN-MCA-U74999DL2004NPL131340 2 IN-MCA-U74999DL2004NPL131340 oxfam_india
Oxford Policy Management GB-COH-03122495 2 GB-COH-03122495 GB-COH-3122495
Palladium International Ltd (UK) GB-COH-2394229 2 GB-COH-02394229 GB-COH-2394229
partos NL-KVK-34214586 2 NL-KVK-34214586 null
PAX NL-KVK-30214009 2 EIGEN NL-KVK-30214009
PEAS (Promoting Equality in African Schools) GB-CHC-1126550 2 GB-CHC-1126550 null
Population Service International 21032 2 21032 XI-IATI-21032
Progressio GB-CHC-294329 2 GB-CHC-294329 null
RAIN Foundation (former) NL-KVK-34200988 (deprecated) 1 NL-KVK-34200988
Responsible Mining Foundation CH-FDJP-CHE232974628 1 CH-FDJP-CHE23974628
Romania Ministry of Foreign Affairs XM-DAC-77 0
Savana Signatures GH-DSW-4711 1 GH-DSW-4711
Search for Common Ground (SFCG) BE-BCE_KBO-0453475391 2 BE-BCE_KBO-0453475391 BE-GTCF-0453475391
Send a Cow Ethiopia ET-CSA-0638 2 ET-CSA-0638 ET-MOT-0638
Send a Cow Uganda SACU 1 sacu
Sense International GB-CHC-1076497 2 GB-CHC-1076497 null
Société Nationale des eaux du Bénin (SONEB) BJ-IFU-3200700033415 1 BJ-IFU-32000700033415
SPARK NL-KVK-41213450 1 NL-KVK-NL-KVK-41213450
Stichting Aflatoun International NL-KVK-34229026 0
Stichting Agriterra NL-KVK-41048542 3 execution finished
Stromme Foundation XI-IATI-5914-1107 2 UG-NGB-5914-1107 XI-IATI-5914-1107
Switzerland - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) CH-4 3 CH-4 XM-DAC-CH-4 CH-4
The Asia Foundation US-EIN-941191246 3 US-AGO-941191246 US-EIN-941191246 null
The National Association of Municipalities of Benin (ANCB) BJ-IFU-6201408024805 2 BJ-IFU-4201710012551 BJ-IFU-6201408024805
Transparency International Bangladesh BD-NAB-1301 2 1301 BD-NAB-1301
Transparency International Secretariat XM-DAC-21033 10 21033 21033-1.0744 21033-1.0792 21033-1.0931-2 21033-1.0931-3 21033-1.0941 21033-1.1053 21033-1.2001 21033-1.2008 XM-DAC-21033
UK - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs GB-GOV-7 2 GB-7 GB-GOV-7
UK - Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) GB-GOV-10 2 GB-10 GB-GOV-10
UK - Foreign & Commonwealth Office GB-GOV-3 1 GB-3
UN Women XM-DAC-41146 1 411124
United Nations Capital Development Fund XM-DAC-41111 1 41111
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) XM-DAC-41127 1 41127
University of Leeds GB-COH-RC000658 1 GB-COH-RC000658
Urgent Action Fund for Women's Human Rights US-EIN-03-0419743 1 US-EIN-03-041973
Village Enterprise US-EIN-22-2852248 2 US-EIN-22-2852248 US-EIN-222852248
War Child UK GB-CHC-1071659 2 GB-CHC-1071659 null
Women's Action Group ZW-ROD-MA988/87 1 ZW-ROD-MA988-87
Women's Refugee Commission US-EIN-463668128 2 US-EIN-46-3668128 US-EIN-463668128
World Economic Forum US-EIN-203908371 1 US-EIN-20-3908371
World Economic Forum Geneva CH-FDJP-66004229946 1 XI-PB-CH-6600422994-6
World Vision UK GB-CHC-285908 2 GB-CHC-285908 null
WWF-UK GB-COH-1081247 3 GB-CHC-1081247 GB-COH-1081247 GB-COH-4016725