

This is the reference page for the XML element transaction-date.


The date on which the transaction was made or (in the case of commitments) agreed. The narrative content may contain text (e.g. 2011Q1) for accurately recording less specific dates such as month, quarter, or year.


This element must occur once and only once (within each parent element).



This attribute is required.

This value must be of type xsd:date.

transaction-date/@iso-date must not be in the future.

Example Usage

Example usage of transaction-date of a transaction in an iati-activity.

An example date is declared in the @iso-date attribute.
This example date format conform to the xsd:date standard - for most cases YYYY-MM-DD is sufficient.
  <transaction ref="1234" humanitarian="1">
   <transaction-type code="1" />
   <transaction-date iso-date="2012-01-01" />
   <value currency="EUR" value-date="2012-01-01">1000</value>
    <narrative>Transaction description text</narrative>
   <provider-org provider-activity-id="BB-BBB-123456789-1234AA" type="10" ref="BB-BBB-123456789">
    <narrative>Agency B</narrative>
   <receiver-org receiver-activity-id="AA-AAA-123456789-1234" type="23" ref="AA-AAA-123456789">
    <narrative>Agency A</narrative>
   <disbursement-channel code="1" />
   <sector vocabulary="2" code="111" />
   <!--Note: only a recipient-region OR a recipient-country is expected-->
   <recipient-country code="TM" />
   <recipient-region code="616" vocabulary="1" />
   <flow-type code="10" />
   <finance-type code="110" />
   <aid-type code="A01" vocabulary="1" />
   <tied-status code="3" />

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